Syllabus of Computer Graphics

" Introduction"
Graphics Systems:
Application of CG, CG classification-Graphic softwares - CRT Functioning- Factors Affecting CRT- Raster scan System – Shadow mask method, Display Processor with raster system- Raster co-ordinate system- color mapping- Instruction set and Raster System applications.

Output Primitives
Line drawing methods-Direct, DDA and Bresenhams, line attributes - Circle drawing-Direct and midpoint circle drawing-Ellipse Drawing- Bresenhams Ellipse Algorithm-Area filling- scan- line area filling and character attributes.

 Two_dimensional Transformation:
Basic Transformation, Translation, Rotation, Scaling- Reflection and Sheer matrix representations- Homogeneous co-ordinates- composite transformation- Raster methods for transformation.

Windowing and Clipping:
Viewing Transformations, Clipping process, Point clipping, Line Clipping, Cohen Sutherland line clipping algorithm, Midpoint Subdivision algorithm, Area clipping, Sutherland and Hodgeman Polygon clipping Algorithm, Text clipping

Three Dimensional Graphics:
3D-coordinate system, 3D-Display techniques, 3D-transformations, Polygon surfaces, Octrees, Bezier curves, Hidden surface removal, Depth buffer and scanline method.

Introduction, functions for segmenting, display file, segment attributes, display file compilation.

Graphical Input Techniques:
Positioning techniques, Grid, Constraints, Dynamic manipulation, Gravity field, Rubber band, Selection technique, Menu, Pointing & selection by naming.

Graphical Input Devices:
Keyboards, Mouse, Joystick, Touch Panels, Track ball.

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