Syllabus of C++

1. Introduction : Procedural Languages, definition of OOP, Basic concept of OOP,Object, Class, Data Abstraction, Data Encapsulation, Data Hiding member functions, Reusability, Inheritance, Creating new Data Types, Polymorphism, Overloading, Dynamic binding, and Message passing.

2. C++ Features: The iostream class, C++ Comments, C++ Keywords, Variable declaration, The Const Qualifier. The Endl, Set W, set precision, Manipulators, The scope resolution operator, The new & delete Operators.

3. Functions: Simple Functions: Function declaration, calling the function, function definition; Passing argument to, returning value from function; passing constants, Variables, pass by value, passing structure variables, pass by reference, Default arguments, return statements, return by reference, overloaded functions; Different number of arguments, Different Kinds of arguments, inline function.

4. Objects & Classes : Classes & Objects, Class Declaration, Class members; Data Constructors, Destructors, Member functions, Class member visibility; private, public, protected. The scope of the class object constructors; Default Constructor, Constructor with argument, constructor with default arguments, Dynamic constructor, copy constructor, Overloaded constructor, Objects as function arguments; member functions defined outside the class, Objects as arguments, returning objects from functions, class conversion, manipulating private Data members, Destructors, classes, objects & memory, array as class member data, Array of objects, string as class member

5. Operator Overloading : Overloading unary operator: Operator Keyword, Operator Arguments, Operator return value, Nameless temporary objects, limitations of increment operator, overloading binary operator, arithmetic operators, comparison operator, arithmetic assignment operator, Data conversion; conversion between Basic types, Conversion between objects & Basic types, conversion between objects of different classes.

6. Inheritance : Derived Class & Base Class : Specifying the Derived class accessing Base class members, the protected access specifier, Derived class constructor, Overriding member functions, public and private inheritance; Access Combinations, Classes & Structures, Access Specifiers, Level of inheritance; Multilevel inheritance, Hybrid inheritance, Multiple inheritance; member functions in multiple inheritance, constructors in multiple inheritance, Containership; Classes within classes, Inheritance & Program Development.

7. Virtual Functions: Normal member function accessed with pointers, Virtual member functions accessed with pointers, Dynamic binding, pure virtual functions, Friend function; Friends for functional notation, friend classes, the this pointer; Accessing Member Data with this, using this for returning values.

8. Templates & Exception Handling: Introduction, Templates, Class Templates, function templates, Member function templates, Template arguments, Exception Handling.

9. Streams : The Stream class Hierarchy, Stream classes Header file, string J/O : Writing strings, reading strings, character J/O, Detecting End – of – file. Object J/O; writing an object to disk, reading an object from disk, J/O with multiple objects; the f stream class, The open function, File Pointers; Specifying the position, Specifying the offset. The tellg Function, Disk J/O with Memory Functions; Closing Files, Error Handling, Command Line Arguments.

List of programs
  1. Write a program to implement digital clock
  2. Write a program to swap two numbers using friend function
  3. Write a program to calculate area and circumference of circle using inline function
  4. Write a program to create electricity bill
  5. Write a program to prepare a shopping lists
  6. Write a program to perform bank transaction
  7. Write a program to perform addition of two matrices using operator overloading.
  8. Write a program for multiplication of two matrices using operator overloading.
  9. Write a program to find sum of complex number using friend function.
  10. Write a program to implement operation on stack.
  11. Write a program to add two distance variable.
  12. Write a program to implement operation on queue.
  13. Write a program to sort elements using templates.
  14. Write a program to find the maximum of two numbers using template.
  15. Write a program to compare two string using equal to operator.
  16. Write a program to concatenate two strings.
  17. Write a program to find maximum of 2 Nos. using friend function.
  18. Write a program to create a student report using inheritance technique.
  19. Write a program to add two time variable
  20. Write a program to implement area of geometrical figures

1 comment:

  1. which all programs belong to part A and which all programs belong to part B?
